the voodoo snake rhythm: w/mp3
this drumming comes from "Angels In The Mirror": Vodou Music of Haiti
track 2: Port-Au-Prince Drumming Demonstration
and presents the Kongo rhythm as well as Yanvalou
Categories: voodoo, hoodoo, rootwork, rhythm, mp3
root working with sound tantric hoodoo
The Wave in motion as the Universe, the undisturbed propagation of the
Original Force as continuity in life is symbolized by the snake.
Damballah, the snake Vodun of West Africa and Haiti, Shesha the cobra
that the Hindu God Vishnu sleeps on, and the Naga (cobra) that the Hindu
God Shiva has wrapped around his neck are all symbols of this energy in
its cosmic dimension. Kundalini as Tantrics call it or Umbilini as the Zulu
Sangoma call it is this force at work within the individual.
When the universe began it began as a vibration, a throb,
"a kind of movement" Tantric philosophy says.
The technical term for this vibration is Spanda.
This throb, this "kind of movement" propagates through the universe.
It could be said that this vibration, this wave exists in different forms at
different levels of existence.
But the more correct way of viewing, Spanda, the vibratory wave is that this
wave exists as the different levels of existence.